
  1# Class that manages getting settings for a channel to use in JupyterPiDAQ
  2# By Jonathan Gutow <gutow@uwosh.edu>
  3# July 2021
  4# license GPL3+
  6from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
  8from jupyterpidaq.Sensors import sensors
 11class ChannelSettings:
 12    """
 13    This class takes care of interacting with the user to get settings for data
 14    collection on each channel. Should be initialized with an idno, so that
 15    it knows what number has been assigned to it.
 16    """
 18    def __init__(self, idno, availboards):
 19        """
 21        :param idno: int number iding this instance of ChannelSettings
 22        """
 23        if idno == None:
 24            idno = 0
 25        self.idno = idno
 26        self.boardchannel = None
 27        self.boards = availboards
 28        self.boardnames = []
 29        for k in range(len(self.boards)):
 30            self.boardnames.append(
 31                (str(k) + ' ' + self.boards[k].getname(), k))
 32        self.board = self.boards[0]
 33        self.channel = self.board.channels[0]
 34        self.toselectedunits = None
 35        self.isactive = False
 36        self.availablegains = self.board.getgains()
 37        self.toselectedgain = self.availablegains[0]
 38        self.sensornames = []
 39        for name in self.board.getsensors():
 40            # TODO: change this to display the sensor name, not the sensor
 41            #  class name. Probably need to replace each element with a tuple
 42            #  and rejigger some of the update calls.
 43            self.sensornames.append(name)
 44        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
 45            self.board.getVdd())
 46        self.defaultunits = self.sensor.getunits()
 47        self.defaultsensorname = self.sensornames[0]
 48        self.sensor = None  # Set to nothing unless the channel is active.
 49        ###
 50        # Jupyter Interactive elements for setting channel parameters
 51        ###
 52        self.checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(
 53            value=self.isactive,
 54            description='Trace ' + str(self.idno),
 55            disabled=False)
 56        self.checkbox.observe(self.checkchanged, names='value')
 57        self.tracelbl = widgets.Text(
 58            value='Trace_' + str(self.idno),
 59            # TODO: update to meaningful title on sensor change if left at
 60            #  default.
 61            placeholder='Type something',
 62            description='Title:',
 63            disabled=True)
 64        self.boardchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
 65            options=self.boardnames,
 66            description='Board:',
 67            disabled=True)
 68        self.boardchoice.observe(self.boardchanged, names='value')
 69        self.channelchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
 70            options=self.board.channels,
 71            description='Channel:',
 72            disabled=True)
 73        self.channelchoice.observe(self.channelchanged, names='value')
 74        self.sensorchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
 75            options=self.sensornames,
 76            # value=self.defaultsensorname, # not needed defaults to the first
 77            # choice in list
 78            description='Sensor:',
 79            disabled=True)
 80        self.sensorchoice.observe(self.sensorchanged, names='value')
 81        self.units = widgets.Dropdown(
 82            options=self.defaultunits,
 83            # value=self.defaultunits[0], # not needed defaults to the first
 84            # choice in list
 85            description='Units:',
 86            disabled=True)
 87        self.units.observe(self.unitschanged, names='value')
 88        # TODO: select gain
 89        self.gains = widgets.Dropdown(
 90            options=self.availablegains,
 91            description='gains:',
 92            disabled=True)
 93        self.toselectedgain = self.gains.value
 94        self.gains.observe(self.gainschanged, names='value')
 96    def activate(self):
 97        """
 98        This function makes this channel active. No return value unless an e
 99        rror is thrown by something called by this function.
100        :return: None
101        """
102        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
103            self.board.getVdd())
104        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
105        self.checkbox.value = True  # in case the selection is not done by the
106        # user.
107        self.tracelbl.disabled = False
108        self.boardchoice.disabled = False
109        self.channelchoice.disabled = False
110        self.sensorchoice.disabled = False
111        self.units.disabled = False
112        self.gains.disabled = False
113        self.isactive = True
114        pass
116    def deactivate(self):
117        """
118        This function makes the channel inactive. No return value unless an
119        error is thrown by something called by this function.
120        :return: None
121        """
122        self.sensor = None
123        self.toselectedunits = None
124        self.checkbox.value = False  # in case the deactivation is not done by
125        # the user.
126        self.tracelbl.disabled = True
127        self.boardchoice.disabled = True
128        self.channelchoice.disabled = True
129        self.sensorchoice.disabled = True
130        self.units.disabled = True
131        self.gains.disabled = True
132        self.isactive = False
133        pass
135    def checkchanged(self, change):
136        """
137        This function is called when the checkbox changes.
138        :param self:
139        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
140        :return: None
141        """
142        if change.new:  # if True
143            self.activate()
144        else:
145            self.deactivate()
146        pass
148    def boardchanged(self, change):
149        """
150        This function responds to a change in board choice.
151        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
152        :return:
153        """
154        # Get the new board
155        self.board = self.boards[change['owner'].value]
156        # Update available channels
157        self.channelchoice.options = self.board.getchannels()
158        # Trigger update to allowed gains
159        self.availablegains = self.board.getgains()
160        self.gains.options = self.board.getgains()
161        self.toselectedgain = self.availablegains[0]
162        # Trigger an update to the sensor list
163        self.sensornames = []
164        for name in self.board.getsensors():
165            self.sensornames.append(name)
166        self.sensorchoice.options = self.sensornames
167        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
168            self.board.getVdd())
169        self.defaultunits = self.sensor.getunits()
170        self.units.options = self.defaultunits
171        self.defaultsensorname = self.sensornames[0]
172        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.defaultunits[0])
173        pass
175    def channelchanged(self, change):
176        """
177        This function responds to a change in board choice.
178        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
179        :return:
180        """
181        # set new channel
182        self.channel = change['owner'].value
183        pass
185    def sensorchanged(self, change):
186        """
187        Called  by the observe function of sensorchoice when the user changes
188        the sensor choice.
189        :param self:
190        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
191        :return: None
192        """
193        # print(str(change['new'])+',' + str(self.sensorchoice.value))
194        # Get the new sensor choice and define the sensor object
195        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, change['owner'].value)(
196            self.board.getVdd())
197        # Update the unit choices to match the sensor chosen
198        self.units.options = self.sensor.getunits()
199        # set the unit conversion function
200        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
201        pass
203    def unitschanged(self, change):
204        """
205        Called by the observe function for the units selector when units are
206        changed
207        :param self:
208        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
209        :return:
210        """
211        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
212        pass
214    def gainschanged(self, change):
215        """
216        Called by the observe function for the gains selector when the gain is
217        changed.
218        :param self:
219        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
220        :return:
221        """
222        self.toselectedgain = self.gains.value
223        pass
225    def setup(self):
226        """
227        Sets up the GUI and the necessary monitoring.
228        :return: None
229        """
230        self.headbox = widgets.HBox([self.checkbox, self.tracelbl])
231        self.parambox1 = widgets.HBox(
232            [self.boardchoice, self.channelchoice, self.sensorchoice])
233        self.parambox2 = widgets.HBox([self.units, self.gains])
234        self.settings = widgets.VBox(
235            [self.headbox, self.parambox1, self.parambox2],
236            layout=Layout(border='solid'))
237        from IPython.core.display import display
238        display(self.settings)
239        pass
241    def hideGUI(self):
242        self.settings.close()
243        # Not sure any of the below is necessary. The DOM could use some
244        # cleanup. This may require supporting JS.
245        self.headbox.close()
246        self.parambox1.close()
247        self.parambox2.close()
248        self.sensorchoice.close()
249        self.units.close()
250        self.checkbox.close()
251        self.tracelbl.close()
class ChannelSettings:
 12class ChannelSettings:
 13    """
 14    This class takes care of interacting with the user to get settings for data
 15    collection on each channel. Should be initialized with an idno, so that
 16    it knows what number has been assigned to it.
 17    """
 19    def __init__(self, idno, availboards):
 20        """
 22        :param idno: int number iding this instance of ChannelSettings
 23        """
 24        if idno == None:
 25            idno = 0
 26        self.idno = idno
 27        self.boardchannel = None
 28        self.boards = availboards
 29        self.boardnames = []
 30        for k in range(len(self.boards)):
 31            self.boardnames.append(
 32                (str(k) + ' ' + self.boards[k].getname(), k))
 33        self.board = self.boards[0]
 34        self.channel = self.board.channels[0]
 35        self.toselectedunits = None
 36        self.isactive = False
 37        self.availablegains = self.board.getgains()
 38        self.toselectedgain = self.availablegains[0]
 39        self.sensornames = []
 40        for name in self.board.getsensors():
 41            # TODO: change this to display the sensor name, not the sensor
 42            #  class name. Probably need to replace each element with a tuple
 43            #  and rejigger some of the update calls.
 44            self.sensornames.append(name)
 45        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
 46            self.board.getVdd())
 47        self.defaultunits = self.sensor.getunits()
 48        self.defaultsensorname = self.sensornames[0]
 49        self.sensor = None  # Set to nothing unless the channel is active.
 50        ###
 51        # Jupyter Interactive elements for setting channel parameters
 52        ###
 53        self.checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(
 54            value=self.isactive,
 55            description='Trace ' + str(self.idno),
 56            disabled=False)
 57        self.checkbox.observe(self.checkchanged, names='value')
 58        self.tracelbl = widgets.Text(
 59            value='Trace_' + str(self.idno),
 60            # TODO: update to meaningful title on sensor change if left at
 61            #  default.
 62            placeholder='Type something',
 63            description='Title:',
 64            disabled=True)
 65        self.boardchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
 66            options=self.boardnames,
 67            description='Board:',
 68            disabled=True)
 69        self.boardchoice.observe(self.boardchanged, names='value')
 70        self.channelchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
 71            options=self.board.channels,
 72            description='Channel:',
 73            disabled=True)
 74        self.channelchoice.observe(self.channelchanged, names='value')
 75        self.sensorchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
 76            options=self.sensornames,
 77            # value=self.defaultsensorname, # not needed defaults to the first
 78            # choice in list
 79            description='Sensor:',
 80            disabled=True)
 81        self.sensorchoice.observe(self.sensorchanged, names='value')
 82        self.units = widgets.Dropdown(
 83            options=self.defaultunits,
 84            # value=self.defaultunits[0], # not needed defaults to the first
 85            # choice in list
 86            description='Units:',
 87            disabled=True)
 88        self.units.observe(self.unitschanged, names='value')
 89        # TODO: select gain
 90        self.gains = widgets.Dropdown(
 91            options=self.availablegains,
 92            description='gains:',
 93            disabled=True)
 94        self.toselectedgain = self.gains.value
 95        self.gains.observe(self.gainschanged, names='value')
 97    def activate(self):
 98        """
 99        This function makes this channel active. No return value unless an e
100        rror is thrown by something called by this function.
101        :return: None
102        """
103        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
104            self.board.getVdd())
105        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
106        self.checkbox.value = True  # in case the selection is not done by the
107        # user.
108        self.tracelbl.disabled = False
109        self.boardchoice.disabled = False
110        self.channelchoice.disabled = False
111        self.sensorchoice.disabled = False
112        self.units.disabled = False
113        self.gains.disabled = False
114        self.isactive = True
115        pass
117    def deactivate(self):
118        """
119        This function makes the channel inactive. No return value unless an
120        error is thrown by something called by this function.
121        :return: None
122        """
123        self.sensor = None
124        self.toselectedunits = None
125        self.checkbox.value = False  # in case the deactivation is not done by
126        # the user.
127        self.tracelbl.disabled = True
128        self.boardchoice.disabled = True
129        self.channelchoice.disabled = True
130        self.sensorchoice.disabled = True
131        self.units.disabled = True
132        self.gains.disabled = True
133        self.isactive = False
134        pass
136    def checkchanged(self, change):
137        """
138        This function is called when the checkbox changes.
139        :param self:
140        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
141        :return: None
142        """
143        if change.new:  # if True
144            self.activate()
145        else:
146            self.deactivate()
147        pass
149    def boardchanged(self, change):
150        """
151        This function responds to a change in board choice.
152        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
153        :return:
154        """
155        # Get the new board
156        self.board = self.boards[change['owner'].value]
157        # Update available channels
158        self.channelchoice.options = self.board.getchannels()
159        # Trigger update to allowed gains
160        self.availablegains = self.board.getgains()
161        self.gains.options = self.board.getgains()
162        self.toselectedgain = self.availablegains[0]
163        # Trigger an update to the sensor list
164        self.sensornames = []
165        for name in self.board.getsensors():
166            self.sensornames.append(name)
167        self.sensorchoice.options = self.sensornames
168        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
169            self.board.getVdd())
170        self.defaultunits = self.sensor.getunits()
171        self.units.options = self.defaultunits
172        self.defaultsensorname = self.sensornames[0]
173        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.defaultunits[0])
174        pass
176    def channelchanged(self, change):
177        """
178        This function responds to a change in board choice.
179        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
180        :return:
181        """
182        # set new channel
183        self.channel = change['owner'].value
184        pass
186    def sensorchanged(self, change):
187        """
188        Called  by the observe function of sensorchoice when the user changes
189        the sensor choice.
190        :param self:
191        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
192        :return: None
193        """
194        # print(str(change['new'])+',' + str(self.sensorchoice.value))
195        # Get the new sensor choice and define the sensor object
196        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, change['owner'].value)(
197            self.board.getVdd())
198        # Update the unit choices to match the sensor chosen
199        self.units.options = self.sensor.getunits()
200        # set the unit conversion function
201        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
202        pass
204    def unitschanged(self, change):
205        """
206        Called by the observe function for the units selector when units are
207        changed
208        :param self:
209        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
210        :return:
211        """
212        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
213        pass
215    def gainschanged(self, change):
216        """
217        Called by the observe function for the gains selector when the gain is
218        changed.
219        :param self:
220        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
221        :return:
222        """
223        self.toselectedgain = self.gains.value
224        pass
226    def setup(self):
227        """
228        Sets up the GUI and the necessary monitoring.
229        :return: None
230        """
231        self.headbox = widgets.HBox([self.checkbox, self.tracelbl])
232        self.parambox1 = widgets.HBox(
233            [self.boardchoice, self.channelchoice, self.sensorchoice])
234        self.parambox2 = widgets.HBox([self.units, self.gains])
235        self.settings = widgets.VBox(
236            [self.headbox, self.parambox1, self.parambox2],
237            layout=Layout(border='solid'))
238        from IPython.core.display import display
239        display(self.settings)
240        pass
242    def hideGUI(self):
243        self.settings.close()
244        # Not sure any of the below is necessary. The DOM could use some
245        # cleanup. This may require supporting JS.
246        self.headbox.close()
247        self.parambox1.close()
248        self.parambox2.close()
249        self.sensorchoice.close()
250        self.units.close()
251        self.checkbox.close()
252        self.tracelbl.close()

This class takes care of interacting with the user to get settings for data collection on each channel. Should be initialized with an idno, so that it knows what number has been assigned to it.

ChannelSettings(idno, availboards)
19    def __init__(self, idno, availboards):
20        """
22        :param idno: int number iding this instance of ChannelSettings
23        """
24        if idno == None:
25            idno = 0
26        self.idno = idno
27        self.boardchannel = None
28        self.boards = availboards
29        self.boardnames = []
30        for k in range(len(self.boards)):
31            self.boardnames.append(
32                (str(k) + ' ' + self.boards[k].getname(), k))
33        self.board = self.boards[0]
34        self.channel = self.board.channels[0]
35        self.toselectedunits = None
36        self.isactive = False
37        self.availablegains = self.board.getgains()
38        self.toselectedgain = self.availablegains[0]
39        self.sensornames = []
40        for name in self.board.getsensors():
41            # TODO: change this to display the sensor name, not the sensor
42            #  class name. Probably need to replace each element with a tuple
43            #  and rejigger some of the update calls.
44            self.sensornames.append(name)
45        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
46            self.board.getVdd())
47        self.defaultunits = self.sensor.getunits()
48        self.defaultsensorname = self.sensornames[0]
49        self.sensor = None  # Set to nothing unless the channel is active.
50        ###
51        # Jupyter Interactive elements for setting channel parameters
52        ###
53        self.checkbox = widgets.Checkbox(
54            value=self.isactive,
55            description='Trace ' + str(self.idno),
56            disabled=False)
57        self.checkbox.observe(self.checkchanged, names='value')
58        self.tracelbl = widgets.Text(
59            value='Trace_' + str(self.idno),
60            # TODO: update to meaningful title on sensor change if left at
61            #  default.
62            placeholder='Type something',
63            description='Title:',
64            disabled=True)
65        self.boardchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
66            options=self.boardnames,
67            description='Board:',
68            disabled=True)
69        self.boardchoice.observe(self.boardchanged, names='value')
70        self.channelchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
71            options=self.board.channels,
72            description='Channel:',
73            disabled=True)
74        self.channelchoice.observe(self.channelchanged, names='value')
75        self.sensorchoice = widgets.Dropdown(
76            options=self.sensornames,
77            # value=self.defaultsensorname, # not needed defaults to the first
78            # choice in list
79            description='Sensor:',
80            disabled=True)
81        self.sensorchoice.observe(self.sensorchanged, names='value')
82        self.units = widgets.Dropdown(
83            options=self.defaultunits,
84            # value=self.defaultunits[0], # not needed defaults to the first
85            # choice in list
86            description='Units:',
87            disabled=True)
88        self.units.observe(self.unitschanged, names='value')
89        # TODO: select gain
90        self.gains = widgets.Dropdown(
91            options=self.availablegains,
92            description='gains:',
93            disabled=True)
94        self.toselectedgain = self.gains.value
95        self.gains.observe(self.gainschanged, names='value')
  • idno: int number iding this instance of ChannelSettings
def activate(self):
 97    def activate(self):
 98        """
 99        This function makes this channel active. No return value unless an e
100        rror is thrown by something called by this function.
101        :return: None
102        """
103        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
104            self.board.getVdd())
105        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
106        self.checkbox.value = True  # in case the selection is not done by the
107        # user.
108        self.tracelbl.disabled = False
109        self.boardchoice.disabled = False
110        self.channelchoice.disabled = False
111        self.sensorchoice.disabled = False
112        self.units.disabled = False
113        self.gains.disabled = False
114        self.isactive = True
115        pass

This function makes this channel active. No return value unless an e rror is thrown by something called by this function.



def deactivate(self):
117    def deactivate(self):
118        """
119        This function makes the channel inactive. No return value unless an
120        error is thrown by something called by this function.
121        :return: None
122        """
123        self.sensor = None
124        self.toselectedunits = None
125        self.checkbox.value = False  # in case the deactivation is not done by
126        # the user.
127        self.tracelbl.disabled = True
128        self.boardchoice.disabled = True
129        self.channelchoice.disabled = True
130        self.sensorchoice.disabled = True
131        self.units.disabled = True
132        self.gains.disabled = True
133        self.isactive = False
134        pass

This function makes the channel inactive. No return value unless an error is thrown by something called by this function.



def checkchanged(self, change):
136    def checkchanged(self, change):
137        """
138        This function is called when the checkbox changes.
139        :param self:
140        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
141        :return: None
142        """
143        if change.new:  # if True
144            self.activate()
145        else:
146            self.deactivate()
147        pass

This function is called when the checkbox changes.

  • self:
  • change: change object passed by the observe tool


def boardchanged(self, change):
149    def boardchanged(self, change):
150        """
151        This function responds to a change in board choice.
152        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
153        :return:
154        """
155        # Get the new board
156        self.board = self.boards[change['owner'].value]
157        # Update available channels
158        self.channelchoice.options = self.board.getchannels()
159        # Trigger update to allowed gains
160        self.availablegains = self.board.getgains()
161        self.gains.options = self.board.getgains()
162        self.toselectedgain = self.availablegains[0]
163        # Trigger an update to the sensor list
164        self.sensornames = []
165        for name in self.board.getsensors():
166            self.sensornames.append(name)
167        self.sensorchoice.options = self.sensornames
168        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, self.board.getsensors()[0])(
169            self.board.getVdd())
170        self.defaultunits = self.sensor.getunits()
171        self.units.options = self.defaultunits
172        self.defaultsensorname = self.sensornames[0]
173        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.defaultunits[0])
174        pass

This function responds to a change in board choice.

  • change: change object passed by the observe tool
def channelchanged(self, change):
176    def channelchanged(self, change):
177        """
178        This function responds to a change in board choice.
179        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
180        :return:
181        """
182        # set new channel
183        self.channel = change['owner'].value
184        pass

This function responds to a change in board choice.

  • change: change object passed by the observe tool
def sensorchanged(self, change):
186    def sensorchanged(self, change):
187        """
188        Called  by the observe function of sensorchoice when the user changes
189        the sensor choice.
190        :param self:
191        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
192        :return: None
193        """
194        # print(str(change['new'])+',' + str(self.sensorchoice.value))
195        # Get the new sensor choice and define the sensor object
196        self.sensor = getattr(sensors, change['owner'].value)(
197            self.board.getVdd())
198        # Update the unit choices to match the sensor chosen
199        self.units.options = self.sensor.getunits()
200        # set the unit conversion function
201        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
202        pass

Called by the observe function of sensorchoice when the user changes the sensor choice.

  • self:
  • change: change object passed by the observe tool


def unitschanged(self, change):
204    def unitschanged(self, change):
205        """
206        Called by the observe function for the units selector when units are
207        changed
208        :param self:
209        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
210        :return:
211        """
212        self.toselectedunits = getattr(self.sensor, self.units.value)
213        pass

Called by the observe function for the units selector when units are changed

  • self:
  • change: change object passed by the observe tool
def gainschanged(self, change):
215    def gainschanged(self, change):
216        """
217        Called by the observe function for the gains selector when the gain is
218        changed.
219        :param self:
220        :param change: change object passed by the observe tool
221        :return:
222        """
223        self.toselectedgain = self.gains.value
224        pass

Called by the observe function for the gains selector when the gain is changed.

  • self:
  • change: change object passed by the observe tool
def setup(self):
226    def setup(self):
227        """
228        Sets up the GUI and the necessary monitoring.
229        :return: None
230        """
231        self.headbox = widgets.HBox([self.checkbox, self.tracelbl])
232        self.parambox1 = widgets.HBox(
233            [self.boardchoice, self.channelchoice, self.sensorchoice])
234        self.parambox2 = widgets.HBox([self.units, self.gains])
235        self.settings = widgets.VBox(
236            [self.headbox, self.parambox1, self.parambox2],
237            layout=Layout(border='solid'))
238        from IPython.core.display import display
239        display(self.settings)
240        pass

Sets up the GUI and the necessary monitoring.



def hideGUI(self):
242    def hideGUI(self):
243        self.settings.close()
244        # Not sure any of the below is necessary. The DOM could use some
245        # cleanup. This may require supporting JS.
246        self.headbox.close()
247        self.parambox1.close()
248        self.parambox2.close()
249        self.sensorchoice.close()
250        self.units.close()
251        self.checkbox.close()
252        self.tracelbl.close()