
This file handles loading adc board control software and sensor information. It uses the list of known boards. It will skip boards that produce an error either because the pypi package is not installed or an error occurs when trying to communicate with the board.

The ADC simulator will be installed if no boards are available.

  2This file handles loading adc board control software and sensor information.
  3It uses the list of known boards. It will skip boards that produce an error
  4either because the pypi package is not installed or an error occurs when
  5trying to communicate with the board.
  7The ADC simulator will be installed if no boards are available.
  9from importlib import import_module
 10import logging
 12logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
 14# TODO: Update this list of available board options as they are created.
 15# Name format is `.package.boardname` where `boardname` is the name of the
 16# python file defining the required board operations.
 18knownboardpkgs = ('jupyterpidaq.Boards.PiGPIO.ADS1115',
 19                  'jupyterpidaq.Boards.PiGPIO.DAQC2',
 20                  'jupyterpidaq.Boards.vernier.labquest')
 21knownsimulators = ('jupyterpidaq.Boards.Simulated.ADCsim',
 22                   'jupyterpidaq.Boards.Simulated.ADCsim_line')
 25def load_boards():
 26    """
 27    Uses the list of known board packages to search for available boards.
 28    The file <boardname>.py should at minimum
 29    implement a `find_boards(): routine that overrides the function below and
 30    define a class for the particular board that extends the `Board` class
 31    defined below.
 33    :return: list of adc board objects.
 34    """
 35    # Load available board driver packages
 36    boardpkgs = []
 37    for pkg in knownboardpkgs:
 38        tmpmod = None
 39        try:
 40            tmpmod = import_module(pkg)
 41        except (ImportError, RuntimeError) as e:
 42            logger.debug(e)
 43            tmpmod = None
 44        if (tmpmod):
 45            boardpkgs.append(tmpmod)
 46        logging.log(logging.DEBUG,str(boardpkgs))
 48    # Check for available boards
 49    boards = []
 50    if len(boardpkgs) >= 1:
 51        # All board pkgs must implement `find_boards().
 52        for drv in boardpkgs:
 53            avail = drv.find_boards()
 54            for hdw in avail:
 55                boards.append(hdw)
 56    if len(boards) == 0:
 57        # We found no boards
 58        print('\nNo ADC boards found. Using simulated boards...',end='')
 59        boards = _load_simulators()
 60    return boards
 62def find_boards():
 63    """
 64    A function overriding this must be implemented by all board packages.
 65    See examples in working packages. This is highly board dependent.
 67    :return: list of board objects
 68    """
 69    raise NotImplementedError
 71def _load_simulators():
 72    """
 73    Private function to add simulated ADC boards
 74    :return:
 75    boards  list of adc board objects.
 76    """
 77    simpkgs = []
 78    boards = []
 79    tmpmod = None
 80    for sim in knownsimulators:
 81        try:
 82            tmpmod = import_module(sim)
 83        except ImportError as e:
 84            logger.debug(e)
 85            tmpmod = None
 86        if (tmpmod):
 87            simpkgs.append(tmpmod)
 88        logging.log(logging.DEBUG,str(simpkgs))
 89    if len(simpkgs) >= 1:
 90        # All board pkgs must implement `find_boards().
 91        for drv in simpkgs:
 92            avail = drv.find_boards()
 93            logging.log(logging.DEBUG,str(avail))
 94            if avail:
 95                boards.append(avail)
 96    return boards
 99class Board:
100    """
101    Base class for all boards. Each board should be an extension of this class.
102    """
103    def __init__(self):
104        """
105        Should be overridden by each board and define at minimum:
106        self.name = 'board name/adc name/type' Short an useful to end user
107        self.vendor = 'Vendor/Manufacturer name`
108        self.channels = tuple of available channel IDs
109        self.gains = list of gains
110        self.Vdd = voltage provided by board to sensors
111        """
112        self.name = None
113        self.vendor = None
114        self.channels = None
115        self.gains = [1]
116        self.Vdd = None
118    def getname(self):
119        """
120        :return: string value of the board name, a short label of board type.
121        """
122        return self.name
124    def getchannels(self):
125        """
126        :return: tuple of ids for available channels
127        """
128        return self.channels
130    def getgains(self):
131        """
132        If not defined for a specific board the gain is fixed at 1.
133        :return: tuple of gains availabe for onboard preamp
134        """
135        return self.gains
137    def getvendor(self):
138        """
139        :return: string value of the vendor name
140        """
141        return self.vendor
143    def getVdd(self):
144        """
145        :return: numerical value of the Vdd, voltage provided to sensors
146        """
147        return self.Vdd
149    def getsensors(self):
150        """
151        This returns a list of objects that allow the software to translate
152        the measured voltage into a sensor reading in appropriate units.
153        Must be provided by the specific board implementation. See examples
154        in working board packages.
155        :return: A list of valid sensor objects to use with this board. This
156        should be a subset of all the sensors returned by the listSensors
157        function in sensors.py.
158        """
159        raise NotImplementedError
161    def V_oversampchan(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, **kwargs):
162        """
163        This function should return a tuple with average, minimum and maximum
164        for a channel averaged over the period of time avg_sec. How the
165        averaging is performed will depend on the board.
166        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
167        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
168        :param avg_sec: float period of time over which to average
169        :return: a tuple consisting of V_avg, V_min, V_max, time_stamp, avg_Vdd
170            The time_stamp is the time the data was collected, usually the
171            middle of the averaging period. avg_Vdd should be the measured
172            average Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
173            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
174            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
175        """
176        raise NotImplementedError
178    def V_oversampchan_stats(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, **kwargs):
179        """
180        This function should return a tuple of statistical information for a
181        channel averaged over the period of time avg_sec.
182        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
183        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
184        :param avg_sec: float period of time over which to average
185        :return: tuple consisting of V_avg, stdev, stdev_avg, time_stamp,
186            avg_Vdd where stdev_avg is the estimated standard deviation
187            of the average not the standard deviation of the values
188            sampled (stdev). avg_Vdd should be the measured
189            average Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
190            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
191            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
192        """
193        raise NotImplementedError
195    def V_sampchan(self, chan, gain, **kwargs):
196        """
197        This function returns a single measurement and the time it was
198        collected.
199        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
200        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
201        :return: a tuple consisting of V, time_stamp, ref_Vdd, where V = the
202            single voltage measurement and time_stamp the time it was
203            collected. ref_Vdd should be the measured
204            Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
205            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
206            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
207        """
208        raise NotImplementedError
def load_boards():
26def load_boards():
27    """
28    Uses the list of known board packages to search for available boards.
29    The file <boardname>.py should at minimum
30    implement a `find_boards(): routine that overrides the function below and
31    define a class for the particular board that extends the `Board` class
32    defined below.
34    :return: list of adc board objects.
35    """
36    # Load available board driver packages
37    boardpkgs = []
38    for pkg in knownboardpkgs:
39        tmpmod = None
40        try:
41            tmpmod = import_module(pkg)
42        except (ImportError, RuntimeError) as e:
43            logger.debug(e)
44            tmpmod = None
45        if (tmpmod):
46            boardpkgs.append(tmpmod)
47        logging.log(logging.DEBUG,str(boardpkgs))
49    # Check for available boards
50    boards = []
51    if len(boardpkgs) >= 1:
52        # All board pkgs must implement `find_boards().
53        for drv in boardpkgs:
54            avail = drv.find_boards()
55            for hdw in avail:
56                boards.append(hdw)
57    if len(boards) == 0:
58        # We found no boards
59        print('\nNo ADC boards found. Using simulated boards...',end='')
60        boards = _load_simulators()
61    return boards

Uses the list of known board packages to search for available boards. The file .py should at minimum implement a find_boards(): routine that overrides the function below and define a class for the particular board that extends theBoard` class defined below.


list of adc board objects.

def find_boards():
63def find_boards():
64    """
65    A function overriding this must be implemented by all board packages.
66    See examples in working packages. This is highly board dependent.
68    :return: list of board objects
69    """
70    raise NotImplementedError

A function overriding this must be implemented by all board packages. See examples in working packages. This is highly board dependent.


list of board objects

class Board:
100class Board:
101    """
102    Base class for all boards. Each board should be an extension of this class.
103    """
104    def __init__(self):
105        """
106        Should be overridden by each board and define at minimum:
107        self.name = 'board name/adc name/type' Short an useful to end user
108        self.vendor = 'Vendor/Manufacturer name`
109        self.channels = tuple of available channel IDs
110        self.gains = list of gains
111        self.Vdd = voltage provided by board to sensors
112        """
113        self.name = None
114        self.vendor = None
115        self.channels = None
116        self.gains = [1]
117        self.Vdd = None
119    def getname(self):
120        """
121        :return: string value of the board name, a short label of board type.
122        """
123        return self.name
125    def getchannels(self):
126        """
127        :return: tuple of ids for available channels
128        """
129        return self.channels
131    def getgains(self):
132        """
133        If not defined for a specific board the gain is fixed at 1.
134        :return: tuple of gains availabe for onboard preamp
135        """
136        return self.gains
138    def getvendor(self):
139        """
140        :return: string value of the vendor name
141        """
142        return self.vendor
144    def getVdd(self):
145        """
146        :return: numerical value of the Vdd, voltage provided to sensors
147        """
148        return self.Vdd
150    def getsensors(self):
151        """
152        This returns a list of objects that allow the software to translate
153        the measured voltage into a sensor reading in appropriate units.
154        Must be provided by the specific board implementation. See examples
155        in working board packages.
156        :return: A list of valid sensor objects to use with this board. This
157        should be a subset of all the sensors returned by the listSensors
158        function in sensors.py.
159        """
160        raise NotImplementedError
162    def V_oversampchan(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, **kwargs):
163        """
164        This function should return a tuple with average, minimum and maximum
165        for a channel averaged over the period of time avg_sec. How the
166        averaging is performed will depend on the board.
167        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
168        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
169        :param avg_sec: float period of time over which to average
170        :return: a tuple consisting of V_avg, V_min, V_max, time_stamp, avg_Vdd
171            The time_stamp is the time the data was collected, usually the
172            middle of the averaging period. avg_Vdd should be the measured
173            average Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
174            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
175            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
176        """
177        raise NotImplementedError
179    def V_oversampchan_stats(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, **kwargs):
180        """
181        This function should return a tuple of statistical information for a
182        channel averaged over the period of time avg_sec.
183        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
184        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
185        :param avg_sec: float period of time over which to average
186        :return: tuple consisting of V_avg, stdev, stdev_avg, time_stamp,
187            avg_Vdd where stdev_avg is the estimated standard deviation
188            of the average not the standard deviation of the values
189            sampled (stdev). avg_Vdd should be the measured
190            average Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
191            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
192            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
193        """
194        raise NotImplementedError
196    def V_sampchan(self, chan, gain, **kwargs):
197        """
198        This function returns a single measurement and the time it was
199        collected.
200        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
201        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
202        :return: a tuple consisting of V, time_stamp, ref_Vdd, where V = the
203            single voltage measurement and time_stamp the time it was
204            collected. ref_Vdd should be the measured
205            Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
206            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
207            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
208        """
209        raise NotImplementedError

Base class for all boards. Each board should be an extension of this class.

104    def __init__(self):
105        """
106        Should be overridden by each board and define at minimum:
107        self.name = 'board name/adc name/type' Short an useful to end user
108        self.vendor = 'Vendor/Manufacturer name`
109        self.channels = tuple of available channel IDs
110        self.gains = list of gains
111        self.Vdd = voltage provided by board to sensors
112        """
113        self.name = None
114        self.vendor = None
115        self.channels = None
116        self.gains = [1]
117        self.Vdd = None

Should be overridden by each board and define at minimum: self.name = 'board name/adc name/type' Short an useful to end user self.vendor = 'Vendor/Manufacturer name` self.channels = tuple of available channel IDs self.gains = list of gains self.Vdd = voltage provided by board to sensors

def getname(self):
119    def getname(self):
120        """
121        :return: string value of the board name, a short label of board type.
122        """
123        return self.name

string value of the board name, a short label of board type.

def getchannels(self):
125    def getchannels(self):
126        """
127        :return: tuple of ids for available channels
128        """
129        return self.channels

tuple of ids for available channels

def getgains(self):
131    def getgains(self):
132        """
133        If not defined for a specific board the gain is fixed at 1.
134        :return: tuple of gains availabe for onboard preamp
135        """
136        return self.gains

If not defined for a specific board the gain is fixed at 1.


tuple of gains availabe for onboard preamp

def getvendor(self):
138    def getvendor(self):
139        """
140        :return: string value of the vendor name
141        """
142        return self.vendor

string value of the vendor name

def getVdd(self):
144    def getVdd(self):
145        """
146        :return: numerical value of the Vdd, voltage provided to sensors
147        """
148        return self.Vdd

numerical value of the Vdd, voltage provided to sensors

def getsensors(self):
150    def getsensors(self):
151        """
152        This returns a list of objects that allow the software to translate
153        the measured voltage into a sensor reading in appropriate units.
154        Must be provided by the specific board implementation. See examples
155        in working board packages.
156        :return: A list of valid sensor objects to use with this board. This
157        should be a subset of all the sensors returned by the listSensors
158        function in sensors.py.
159        """
160        raise NotImplementedError

This returns a list of objects that allow the software to translate the measured voltage into a sensor reading in appropriate units. Must be provided by the specific board implementation. See examples in working board packages.


A list of valid sensor objects to use with this board. This should be a subset of all the sensors returned by the listSensors function in sensors.py.

def V_oversampchan(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, **kwargs):
162    def V_oversampchan(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, **kwargs):
163        """
164        This function should return a tuple with average, minimum and maximum
165        for a channel averaged over the period of time avg_sec. How the
166        averaging is performed will depend on the board.
167        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
168        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
169        :param avg_sec: float period of time over which to average
170        :return: a tuple consisting of V_avg, V_min, V_max, time_stamp, avg_Vdd
171            The time_stamp is the time the data was collected, usually the
172            middle of the averaging period. avg_Vdd should be the measured
173            average Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
174            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
175            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
176        """
177        raise NotImplementedError

This function should return a tuple with average, minimum and maximum for a channel averaged over the period of time avg_sec. How the averaging is performed will depend on the board.

  • chan: id of the channel to be measured
  • gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
  • avg_sec: float period of time over which to average

a tuple consisting of V_avg, V_min, V_max, time_stamp, avg_Vdd The time_stamp is the time the data was collected, usually the middle of the averaging period. avg_Vdd should be the measured average Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before, or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.

def V_oversampchan_stats(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, **kwargs):
179    def V_oversampchan_stats(self, chan, gain, avg_sec, **kwargs):
180        """
181        This function should return a tuple of statistical information for a
182        channel averaged over the period of time avg_sec.
183        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
184        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
185        :param avg_sec: float period of time over which to average
186        :return: tuple consisting of V_avg, stdev, stdev_avg, time_stamp,
187            avg_Vdd where stdev_avg is the estimated standard deviation
188            of the average not the standard deviation of the values
189            sampled (stdev). avg_Vdd should be the measured
190            average Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
191            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
192            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
193        """
194        raise NotImplementedError

This function should return a tuple of statistical information for a channel averaged over the period of time avg_sec.

  • chan: id of the channel to be measured
  • gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
  • avg_sec: float period of time over which to average

tuple consisting of V_avg, stdev, stdev_avg, time_stamp, avg_Vdd where stdev_avg is the estimated standard deviation of the average not the standard deviation of the values sampled (stdev). avg_Vdd should be the measured average Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before, or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.

def V_sampchan(self, chan, gain, **kwargs):
196    def V_sampchan(self, chan, gain, **kwargs):
197        """
198        This function returns a single measurement and the time it was
199        collected.
200        :param chan: id of the channel to be measured
201        :param gain: gain of the channel if adjustable
202        :return: a tuple consisting of V, time_stamp, ref_Vdd, where V = the
203            single voltage measurement and time_stamp the time it was
204            collected. ref_Vdd should be the measured
205            Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before,
206            or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or
207            power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.
208        """
209        raise NotImplementedError

This function returns a single measurement and the time it was collected.

  • chan: id of the channel to be measured
  • gain: gain of the channel if adjustable

a tuple consisting of V, time_stamp, ref_Vdd, where V = the single voltage measurement and time_stamp the time it was collected. ref_Vdd should be the measured Vdd taken simultaneously, immediately before, or immediately after the voltage being measured. If the board or power supply is very stable self.Vdd can be returned instead.